ACDI MPC Holds Simultaneous SAGA at CDO and Davao

Last March 05, 2013 ACDI MPC held simultaneous Sequential Annual General Assembly and Elections (SAGA&E) at CDO and Davao.

The Annual General Assembly of ACDI-Davao was held at Lyndon’s World’s Worst Ribs and Awful Chicken, Lanang, Davao City. A total of 56 attendees joined the event, composed of 46 Regular and 10 Associate members. The approved voting time was opened by the Chairman of Election Committee, LTC Wilfredo Buhayo at exactly 0654H and ended at 1032H. The General Assembly started at 0956H and ended at 1125H. The conduct of General Assembly was presided by ACDI MPC Chairman, BGen Juanito Malto (Ret) together with Dir Teodoro Evangelista, Dir Honorato Santos, ACDI MPC Board of Directors. Present in the event were significant personalities of ACDI, to name a few were the following: Asst BOD Treasurer, Josefino Viduya; Atty Julius Magno, and Ms Glenda Lita Ersando, EVP for Operations; Mr Armando Blanco, Branch Manager of ACDI-Davao; together with Head Office Support team and Branch personnel. The event was graced by Col. Roy Atienza and was witnessed by Ms. Zara Perez, CDA Representative.

On the other hand, ACDI-CDO held its SAGA & E at Grand Caprice Restaurant, Limketkai Center, Lapasan, Cagayan De Oro. The said event was actively participated by a total of 126 guest composed of 113 Regular and 13 Associate members. The official voting time started at exactly 0748H and ended at 1148H. The General Assembly started at 1045H and ended at 1205H. The said assembly was spearheaded by MGen Salvador Collantes Jr, ACDI MPC Vice Chairman with MGen Jovito Gammad, ACDI MPC Board of Director; BGen Pedro Rieza, ACDI MPC Treasurer, and Atty. Edmundo Macarubbo, ACDI MPC Secretary. Also present in the event were key personalities of ACDI MPC. To name a few were the following: BGen Alfredo G. Ramirez (Ret), ACDI MPC President; BGen Neal Gacrama (Ret), Vice President of Central Mindanao Area of Operations (CMAO); Mr Reil Caballero, Branch Manager of ACDI-CDO; together with Head Office Support team and Branch personnel. The event was graced by the presence of Col Arturo Arguelles (Ret) and was witnessed by Mr. Edwin Pelosas, CDA Representative.

Come and join us in the next SAGA & E!

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